Posts tagged Veneers in costa rica
Composite Veneers Vs Pure Porcelain Dr. Delfin Barquero in Costa Rica

This image captures the change from old composite Veneers to Pure Porcelain Veneers. A natural looking cosmetic restoration that will stay last the patient 20 years or more. this type of restoration can be completed in 10 business day.. A perfect time for a Costa Rica Dental Restoration Vacation #smile #costaricadentalvacation #DrDelfinBarquero

Leading Clinics Costa Rica Davincis Dental Care

We are proud to be a member of Leading Clinics Costa Rica. This ensures our commitment to Quality Dental Care, the highest standards in 3D imaging, and diagnostics and our high level of Dental expertise

Patient Testimonial Dr. Delfin Barquero Dental Veneers in Costa Rica

We love it when we get follow up photos from patients saying “ Really pleased with my results.. Everyone says they look so natural” Especially when they work for a cosmetic surgeon.. you know they know great results when they see them!

Patient Testimonial Dr. Bernal Soto

It’s a pleasure to be of service to such a great lady and patient. Thanks again for your kind words.

Pain Free Dental Restoration Vacation with Dr. Bernal Soto in Costa Rica

Contact or whatsapp 011 506 8884 4815

Dental Restorations with Dr. Delfin Barquero in Costa Rica

Two costarican beauties both with great Da Vinci’s smile makeovers by #delfinbarquero

For more information or to book space for your smile makeover contact us at

Veneers in Costa Rica with Dr. Bernal Soto

A Veneer Restoration Vacation in Costa Rica with Dr. Bernal Soto is something to smile about
